Monitoring VMware 6.7 in Zabbix 4.4

Log in to VMware ESXi and get started

Create a user with read-only permissions

We find out the UUID of the VMware ESXi server, after changing the system settings

  1. Vsphere Advanced Settings, Config, Hostagent, plugins, solo, check “Config.HostAgent.plugins.solo.enableMob”
  2. Browse to https://esxi-ip/mob/?moid=ha-host&doPath=hardware.systemInfo
  3. Copy down value
  4. Uncheck as in step 1


Go to Zabbix server

Edit zabbix_server.conf, update StartVMwareCollectors value to more than 0 and restart zabbix-server.  For more details, refer to

Add a new host to the Zabbix server using the following parameters

We check the result, the data will not appear immediately

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